Plainpalais Easter egg hunt!
For the second weekend in a row (and certainly not the last for a couple of weeks!) we were at another chocolate themed event. This weekend we were back for the neighbourhood Easter Egg Hunt after a few years hiatus due to COVID. We first joined this egg hunt 3 years ago when Miya was just a few weeks old, and now she’s old enough to find the eggs herself!
We got lucky with the weather and it was a gloriously sunny morning.
Kai decided that he was too tired to do the egg hunt so sent myself and Miya out with the order of bringing him some eggs back!
The egg hunt was organised by the Maison de Quartier. They planted some 600 eggs around the neighbourhood for the kids to find.
The meeting was at 9am at Villa Freundler. Before the egg hunt started, they let the children know that the Easter bunnies had been busy planting these eggs all around the area in the morning. They asked that children take no more than 6 eggs each, in order to allow everyone to find some eggs. Breakfast would be served back here from 10am onwards.
All the eggs are planted in the area within the red line
Those who got out of bed late were definitely on the back foot, as the eggs get found quickly.
We decided to start along the Rue de Carouge, and had some success finding eggs here, but as we made our way round slowly and got to the other roads, it seemed like all the eggs had been found and we had no luck finding any more eggs.
Along the way, we met with some of our neighbour friends, and they were particularly talented at finding the eggs that were in the most inconspicuous of places. Despite starting late, they managed to find 5 eggs!
As we made our way around, we bumped into plenty of neighbours and friends, so it was a nice to catch up with them along the way.
It’s quite funny because we did discover some nooks and crannies that we had never seen before, despite living in the area for 5 years!
Poor Luka was very bored, and I had hoped maybe he would be somewhat useful in finding eggs, but that turned out not to be the case. Perhaps if they had been real eggs and not chocolate ones, we would have had a better chance!
Despite getting no help from the dog, we managed to find 4 eggs in total. Miya and her friend Elyas kindly gave one of their eggs away to a friend who didn’t find any eggs, so he could also look for and find some eggs.
After walking around for an hour or so, and being certain we had left no hiding place unturned, we returned to Villa Freundler for breakfast.
Back at the Villa, they served warm drinks and bread with various spreads.
There was the chance to enter to win a chocolate bunny by answering some Easter related questions. It seemed they had quite a few to give away but I was too busy chatting so unfortunately didn’t have a chance to enter.
Of the three eggs Miya had by the end, she ate one at Villa Freundler, meaning she came home with two eggs. She gave one to Kai and ate the other. So lucky Kai managed to get an egg despite not participating in the egg hunt! I was glad there wasn’t more chocolate eggs being consumed this early in the morning.
This is a fun activity if you are in the neighbourhood, especially if the weather is good! Come on time if you want the maximum chance of finding the most eggs.
There is a fountain in the middle of the courtyard at Villa Freunder and a couple of the kids did manage to step/fall in and get wet so keep a close eye on your children!
Fun factor for child: 4/5 -Run and find Easter eggs around the neighbourhood!
Fun factor for dog: 1/5 - It’s a walk around the neighbourhood with lots of children running around you. Definitely not Luka’s idea of a fun outing!
Pram-friendly: Yes. Depending on where you are looking for eggs, you may come across some stairs
Water Access for dogs: No
Potable water: No
Baby changing facilities: No
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