All in Geneva Hiking with Dogs

Geneva Hiking with Dogs - May 2022 - Bois de la Bâtie, GE

We’re back with another edition of hiking with dogs this month. Due to fawning season restrictions, I opted for Bois de la Bâtie which is a leash-free zone year-round. It’s a great walk with nice views of the junction of the Arve and Rhone rivers, beaches for the dogs to swim and a nice varied walk.

Geneva Hiking with Dogs - February 2021 - Col de Marchairuz, VD

After a long hiatus, I decided to organise a big hike a little further afield from Geneva in Gimel, Vaud. The sun turned up for the occasion and even though the Spring snow made the hike slightly challenging in sections, it was nice to be outdoors with likeminded friends, enjoying the nature with our four-legged companions.