Fête de la Musique, Geneva

Fête de la Musique, Geneva

Living in Geneva, the Fête de la Musique is an absolute must! We have been coming every year since we’ve moved to Geneva, and it seems that every year, we have a new addition to the family when we come! This year Miya got a taste of her first festival experience, and I think she really enjoyed herself :P


We stuck to Parc des Bastions and St-Antoine area in the Old Town, we wandered aimlessly, taking us where our hearts desired.

We stopped at a few stands to sample the different foods available, and picked up a sausage for Kai, his favourite!

We ended up settling at the play park in the Old Town with the world’s longest bench, Banc de la Treille.


The band stand was on a break at the time but Kai still had a great time playing in the sandpit, then going on the rocking horse.

Luka was pretty calm since he was still recovering from the morning’s shenanigans with Geneva Hiking with Dogs. He mainly spent his time giving us the puppy dog eyes to beg for food. If your dog doesn’t like crowds, children or loud noises, I would strongly advise against bringing your dog here.


I have to say that every year, Fête de la Musique is one of the events that makes me appreciate living in Geneva as a family. This event is totally family-friendly, and plenty of band stands every where to allow you to pick a spot that’s near a Play Park to let your little ones expel some energy, or sit on the grass and enjoy a picnic with foods from all over the world.

I understand that there are a number of events that take place specifically for children too, though we missed all of those!

If your dog needs a walk off the lead, then the Plaine de Plainpalais is a few minutes’ walk away and can let your pooch stretch its legs. Luka was too tired to do any running, so we did one quick loop and headed for the festival.

Useful things to teach your dog

Useful things to teach your dog

Geneva Hiking with Dogs - June Edition - Bois de la Bâtie and across the viaduct

Geneva Hiking with Dogs - June Edition - Bois de la Bâtie and across the viaduct