Pony Ride at La Gavotte Farm
This was a morning that was almost not to be, as the 7 sets of parents getting together for this joint 2nd birthday picnic anxiously clung to every change in weather forecast for this particular Saturday morning.
The plan had been to have a picnic and finish the morning with a pony ride, before the kids would have their naps so we really needed the weather to cooperate!
Turns out, the weather gods were on our side and it was to be a perfect morning for it!
For more details regarding access, parking and other activities available at this special farm, click here.
photo credit Mariam Azatyan
We met at the farm for 10:30 am so that we would have enough time for the kids to play, have a picnic then do a pony ride at 1.30pm before everyone would head home for nap times.
Since we were there early, there weren’t many people and managed to get both picnic tables in the fenced in play area situated between the farm and the neighbouring football stadium.
Photo credit Mariam Azatyan
This turned out to be perfect, since it was fenced in and had enough things for the kids to play on and a big grass area to kick a ball around. Luka also had a great time running around with his friend Twiggy the Whippet.
The 7 families know each other from attending an English speaking ante-natal class at the Arcade des Sages Femmes, and we were fortunate enough to be part of this wonderful group of parents who still keep in touch regularly and make an effort to meet once a year for a joint birthday for the kids. This is despite the fact that many of the families now live outside of Geneva, including one which has relocated back to London! I feel so fortunate to have these people in my life, ever the support when the kids are going through a leap/sleep regression/teething/difficult phase (delete as appropriate). For this year’s joint birthday, we had two little additions to the group, including Miya, Kai’s little sister who arrived only 6 weeks prior.
After a luxurious spread of food that every one brought for the picnic and a gargantuan birthday cake was had, it was time for the pony ride for the kiddies, which we booked earlier that morning.
I had tried to book the pony ride earlier in the week, but the gentleman in charge can only take bookings on Wednesdays, Saturdays or Sundays in advance as he needs to have the scheduling in front of him. Luckily, we were able to book in the morning for the same day. It costs CHF10 for 30 minutes including someone to lead the pony around for you. He informed me that under normal circumstances, you book from 1pm the day you wish to do a pony ride. Pony rides start at 1.30pm on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
The ponies don’t have saddles, so the parents need to ensure the kids stay on their backs. They also don’t provide helmets so some of us brought cycling helmets to put on the kids.
There was a funny/scary moment when we walked past a field where half of the ponies made a lunge for the grass and had to be pulled back onto the road to continue the walk! For this reason I highly recommend having one person lead the pony and someone else spotting the child, as they don’t have anything they can cling onto apart from the mane.
In the mean time Luka was off the lead, sniffing the grass as if it were any other walk! One of the farm’s resident dogs Belle also joined us, they seemed very relaxed about it all.
Even if your child decides they don’t want to do a pony ride, there are plenty of other animals to pet and keep them amused. It’s a highly recommended activity for a few hours, and definitely worth a visit.
Fun factor for kids: 5/5 - pet the animals, play in the play park and enjoy a picnic!
Fun factor for dogs: 3/5 - hang out around animals and if doing the pony ride, go for a walk
Pram-friendly : Yes
Water Access for dogs: No, but there are a number of taps in the play park (I think they’re meant to be for washing football shoes??)
Potable Water: Can be bought at the cafe on the farm
Baby-changing facilities: No
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