Child and Dog-Friendly Café - Wolfisberg, Carouge
Granted, most cafés in Geneva accept both children and dogs, however some are better than others for catering to children’s needs. I want to share the ones that I’ve been to that are particularly good for parents wanting to eat with their children and be able to bring their dogs with them.
Wolfisberg in Carouge has a play room for kids and serves food as well as coffees and patisseries.
The food is not bad and as the play room is glass-paned, if you can find one of the seating in the area right next to it, you can watch the children play while sipping your coffee.
It is open 7 days a week, so on a quiet Sunday, this is a good option if you’re in this part of town.
This is one of my go-to’s when meeting friends for a coffee whether I have Luka, or Kai, or both!
You could combine this walk with the Piscine de Carouge walk, if you want to walk the dog before/after visiting.
Visiting Carouge with Grandma and Auntie when Kai was a tiny baby. Wolfisberg is found just round the corner from here